Setting your budget

its better to indicate your budget beforehand  to the designer or contractor,otherwise the expenditure would exceed your estimation and you will be forced to accept since the good design normally follows a specific theme and you would n’t want to break it for the budget.

Elevation Design in Bangalore

One of the biggest investment people make is , in their home construction. When designing a home, one should follow the trend.Today’s architecture is mostly Contemporary,and everyone loves it.Because, it’s minimal and maintenance free.

Moreover, any inexpensive furnitures will add the beauty to it. Interior design for any contemporary homes are very simple too.Folks who put effort on the home design have added advantage, when they sell the home.It’s more effortless, because,it has been designed to inspire.

We live in a era, where technology is at its peak.You can always design your home in paper first, with the excellent 3d designers .You can ask opinions from the neighbors.Plan your interiors alongside.A careful planning in design gives you, years of pride. At Mamre oaks design, we can assist you to a greater extent, at a price that is affordable.

If you are in Bangalore, and constructing home elsewhere, you can drop in to office and discuss the possibilities.

Global Discovery Academy schools

It was challenging! Just to be a part of the design team and have taken the sole responsibility of rendering the images of this scale was an experience to be believed.

There were a lot of options and even more co ordination.But, the results were great and featured in their official website.

Please follow the link.

The Elevation, Design For Mattson builders


Mattson builders in Bangalore had developed a gated community for which they have decided not only sell the plots but to offer villas.A new start up like this require professionals to back the idea.

After a thorough research in online, this builder teamed up with mamre Oaks.The result is, wonderful architectural villa elevations and a minimal interiors that not only looks beautiful but very practical in its planning too.Mamre oaks been assigned for the entire online and print media promotional efforts in order to maximize the results.

This is an ongoing project, and keep watching this space for more updates.